Case Studies - Optical Manufacturing
Optical Fingerprint Scanner

The Customer – A leading security and biometrics company developing a new line of FBI certified optical fingerprint scanner systems.
The Challenge – Strict FBI fingerprint quality standards required the development of custom camera sensors and illumination and imaging optics to address numerous challenges associated with print latency, distortion, contrast and spatial resolution.
The Solution – The Promet design team worked with the customer to develop several generations of “optical deck” assemblies that were integrated into stand-alone fingerprint scanner stations manufactured by the customer. Multiple systems were developed including portable single-finger modules, four-finger scanners and full palm scanners. Promet also designed novel slap prism illumination schemes which eliminated problematic print latency issues. This new design was successfully patented by the customer and addressed a well-known issue in the biometrics industry. The optical deck designs were successfully transferred into production and manufactured in high-volumes for several years.